Written communication can be an important part of both your personal and professional life. Even if you work in an office that doesn't have you communicating with people daily, having the right kind of written communication skills can help you get promotions and jobs, as well as succeed at school or college.
To make sure that you’re always communicating the right way, it’s important to know what kinds of written communication you should be using—and how those different types differ from each other. Here are eight of the main types of written communication skills that every modern person should have in their arsenal.
Types of Written Communication: The 8 Types You Need to Know
1) Persuasive
A persuasive essay is an argumentative piece that aims to convince the reader that your opinion or idea is the best. There are many types of persuasive essays, but all have one purpose- persuading the reader that you're right.
Persuasive essays can take different forms, but each one typically has five parts: introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion, evidence, and a call-to-action (aka what you want the reader to do).
While any persuasive essay needs to have these five parts in order, it's up to you how they're structured. For example, if you're arguing against a specific policy or law, your introduction might read In our society today... and your conclusion might ask readers not just to agree with you but also take action.
2) Informative
There are many different types of written communication, each with its purpose. Knowing which type you need for your situation can help you create a better outcome. Below is a list of common types and what they are typically used for.
Personal letter- personal letters are often written when someone wants to write something that will be shared with one person or a small group. Personal letters can also be used for apologies, congratulations, condolences, or other sentimental communications between close friends and family members.
3) Instructional
The types of written communication are cover letters, business letters, emails, memos, proposals, research reports, and speeches.
A cover letter is a document that you include with your resume when applying for a job. It's the first chance you have to make an impression on the employer and it should show your interest in the position and why you would be a good fit for the company.
A business letter is typically written by an individual who wants to make an inquiry or provide feedback about a product or service. An email is one of the most common forms of communication today and can be used for anything from sending birthday wishes to coworkers to asking clients for payment.
4) Narrative
If you want to communicate with people, you are going to need some form of written communication.
There are many different types of written communication, but for this post, we will focus on four that are most common and relevant. These are emails, text messages, social media posts, and letters.
While all four have advantages and disadvantages and may be better suited for certain contexts than others, they each deserve a mention because they can help you get your point across in a way that is best suited for the situation.
5) Descriptive
Written communication is necessary for every type of project, job, and profession. There are many different types of written communication, from professional memos to social media posts. Here are the types you need to know.
- Memo- a short note that may be informal or formal, which could serve as an introduction or summary
- Letter- a longer note with more detail that is typically sent via postal service
- Email- messages sent over the internet in an email account such as Gmail
- Meme- humorous pictures with words overlaid on them
- Tweet- brief status updates on social media sites like Twitter or Facebook
6) Definition
There are many different types of written communication. Some examples are formal, informal, and persuasive. Formal written communication is when you write in a very formal style with a lot of professional jargon.
Informal written communication is when you write more like you would speak to someone face-to-face; for example, using slang or misspellings. Persuasive written communication is when the writer's goal is to persuade the reader by providing facts and evidence to back up their argument.
7) Compare and Contrast
The four types of written communication are formal, informal, memoranda and proposals. Formal writing is used for business purposes and meetings. Informal writing is a casual way to communicate with friends or family members.
Memos are shorter messages that are intended to be read by a few people. Proposals are used when you need approval from someone before moving forward with an idea or project. Memos are usually more detailed than emails because they can provide more background information on the topic at hand.
8) Cause and Effect
To write effectively, you need to know the different types of written communication. The first type is persuasive writing, which is writing that tries to convince the reader or listener to adopt a particular point of view or take an action.
Persuasive writing is often used in sales and marketing materials because it can encourage someone to purchase a product. Another type of written communication is informative writing.
This type of writing provides information so that the reader can make informed decisions about a subject. Informative articles are often found in newspapers and magazines but are also used on sites such as Wikipedia.
The third type of written communication is narrative-based writing, which tells a story about an event or person's life using description and dialogue.
Reasons Why Written Communication Is Important
Everyone knows that talking to people in person (or on the phone) can be effective. But what about communicating with them through text?
There are plenty of people who think that written communication is sub-par compared to face-to-face interactions, but there are just as many reasons why written communication should be considered important, even in 2016 and beyond! Here are 10 reasons why written communication is important no matter what your industry or career path may be.
1) Helps to Get the Message Across Clearly
Written communication is important because it helps you get your message across more clearly. Whether you are sending an email, text, or writing a letter, written communication is a great way to express yourself with words on paper.
You can take your time and not worry about being interrupted or having someone else talk over you. You can even stop and go back if need be. Plus, you know that the person reading it will have time to think about what they just read rather than having the information thrown at them all at once in a meeting or phone call.
2) Helps to Keep a Record of What Was Communicated
Communicating in written form is important for many reasons, including the ability to keep a record of what was said or agreed upon. For example, if two people agree on a certain date and time to meet, it's often helpful to write this information down.
It also helps when you want to make sure that you're interpreting things correctly. If one person says It's going to be hot tomorrow. while the other says It's going to be cold tomorrow. then they may need to clarify their messages by adding more detail.
3) Helps Avoid Misunderstandings
Written communication is crucial because it helps avoid misunderstandings. If you are having a conversation with someone and they don’t understand what you mean, the conversation will stop until you can find a way to clarify your message.
When writing a message, however, there is time to reword sentences or find other ways of communicating the same idea so that both people understand what's being said. This leads to less confusion and frustration on both sides.
Written messages also save time because there's no need for back-and-forth conversations; one person sends the message, then another person responds with a response or reply.
4) Helps Save Time
Written communication is a great way to save time. In the modern world, many different types of written messages can be sent back and forth. For example, with email, it is possible to type out what you want to say and then hit send.
Then your message will be delivered in a matter of seconds! Messages like this allow people to communicate quickly without having to spend any more time than they need on their phones or computer.
Additionally, not only do messages like this save a person's time but they also conserve their resources. When sending an email someone doesn't have to talk on the phone or use any paper which saves them money.
5) Helps to Communicate Complex Ideas
Written communication can be very helpful in situations when verbal communication is difficult. For example, written language can more accurately communicate complex ideas than verbal speech. It also helps to reduce misunderstanding and assure that all parties are on the same page.
Plus, written communication allows you to more thoroughly explain your thoughts and put them out there without having the pressure of being interrupted or worrying about how someone will react if they don't like what you're saying. To make sure a message gets across effectively, it's important to be specific and straightforward - which is much easier in written form because you have time to edit your work.
6) Helps Reduce Ambiguity
Written communication is important because it helps reduce ambiguity. In the business world, ambiguity can lead to miscommunication and costly mistakes. For example, if you are running a company and have hired someone to be a part of your team but they never said they were interested in the position, you may find yourself without a vital part of your organization.
That's why written communication is so important - it ensures that everyone is on the same page and there's never any confusion. It also allows for records to exist that people can refer back to later. Plus, writing out what you want someone to do means you won't forget it when they're not around or ask them again over email when time is precious.
However, while writing can help reduce ambiguity at times, some people think that writing has the opposite effect. They say verbal communication conveys more emotion than writing does and can convey intent better than an email ever could. But even these naysayers agree that having good verbal communication skills will always help in many different situations as well as give others a clearer understanding of what is being communicated.
7) Can Be Reviewed and Revised
Communication is important in all walks of life, and it's even more important in business. When you communicate with your employees and clients, you need to make sure that they understand what you're trying to say. This is where written communication comes in handy. It makes it easier for people to read and comprehend what's being said.
Plus, it helps eliminate any misunderstanding or misinterpretation that might occur during a verbal conversation. It also allows you to review and revise before sending your message.
What would happen if an employee sent out an email without double-checking the content? The information could be off-base, confusing, or just plain wrong! Using a method like an email, blog post, or social media post, allows us the opportunity to edit our message before hitting send.
8) Can Be Shared Easily
Written communication is important because it is easy to share, it can be saved for later, and it can be read at your convenience. The most obvious reason why written communication is important is that you don't have to worry about mispronouncing a word or forgetting what you want to say.
It also makes communicating in different languages easier since the words are spelled out for you. And since written communication can be saved for later, you can refer back to it if needed. Finally, written communication allows people from all over the world to understand each other without any barriers to understanding through language or culture.
9) Allows for Standardization
Written communication is important because it allows for standardization, which can lead to more effective interactions.
One of the benefits of written communication is that it provides a quick and easy way for people who might not be in the same location to communicate with each other. It also makes it possible for people to store information in a centralized location and access it at any time.
Finally, written communication makes it possible for people who speak different languages to communicate as long as they both have access to the same writing system. It has been used by organizations such as the United Nations (UN) to facilitate international relations between nations that don't share a commonly spoken language.
10) Improves Communications Skills
Written communication is often more formal and concise than verbal communication. For example, you might be able to get a point across more effectively in an email or text than you would during a phone call. Plus, written documents are easier for people to refer back to later.
You can also communicate with people who don't speak your language by using Google Translate or other translation tools. In this way, many people around the world will be able to understand what you have to say.
- Keeps Record of Ideas: Writing something down means that it won't just disappear into the ether if you forget about it - the document will remain on your computer or device until you delete it.
- Saves Time: If someone else needs clarification about something that was discussed at work, they can read through all of the documentation from previous meetings and conference calls. It's much faster than having everyone meet again just to go over things one more time!
In this day and age, it's almost impossible to run a business without using any type of written communication. From email to memos, to sign-in sheets and beyond, you need to be able to write to stay connected with other people in your field of work. Today we're going to discuss the importance of written communication and explain why it’s such an integral part of doing business in the 21st century. Let’s get started!
SoME develop and delivers impactful transformative Communication programs for the 21st-century post-pandemic workplace. Effective, assertive, and empathetic Communication skills are key to learners presenting themselves confidently, better managing conflicts, working well with others, and becoming tomorrow's professional leaders.
We provide an inclusive environment where all backgrounds are welcome, providing a safe space to explore ideas and share experiences to develop these skills within our students. At SoME we believe that there is no right or wrong way to communicate as long as it's done with honesty and integrity. Our aim is for our students to leave feeling empowered with tools that can be used in any situation whether it be at home or work with colleagues or even family members!
What is effective written communication?
Effective written communication is clear, concise, and follows a logical progression. It is one that the reader can easily follow and understand with little effort. The importance of written communication should be grammatically correct and free of any spelling errors. When writing an email, for example, an effective email will have the subject line in bold letters at the top of the email to make it easy to find when someone goes looking through their inbox.
What is an important element of effective written communication?
An important element or importance of written communication of effective written communication is that it's clear, concise, and to the point. Another part of effective written communication is providing enough information for the reader to get what you're trying to say without being too wordy or vague. Effective written communication also needs to be respectful and professional when it's addressing a person in a different position than yours.
Why effective written communication is important in the workplace?
Effective written communication is important in the workplace because it can help build relationships and open up new opportunities. By writing professionally, you can show that you're knowledgeable and competent in your field. Sending a personalized email to someone will often lead to an invitation for a face-to-face meeting, which could lead to the beginning of a great business relationship.
In addition to building relationships, effective communication can also help you find employment.